Campus Ministry at UW-Madison

The Stephen & Laurel Brown Foundation and Upper House serve the greater collective of campus ministry organizations and student serving churches at UW—Madison. 

Biennial Student Spiritual Climate Survey

Every two years, Upper House in partnership with many other campus ministry organizations, survey Christian students involved in campus ministry and churches. We are releasing our Spring Semester 2024 survey results. Other years we have surveyed students in 2018, 2020, and 2022.

Here are a few key takeaways:
  • Based on the 2024 study, 87% of students began their faith journey before entering college (91% in 2022, 88% in 2020, and 85% in 2018).
  • 92% of students shared their faith (at least once) during the 2023-24 academic year. 31% of students indicated that they don't want to push their beliefs on others as the top reason they don't share their faith with their peers. 
  • The importance of Church attendance to spiritual growth has shifted down 10% in 2024. (Very important/Extremely important - 2022 = 81%, 2024 = 71%). 72% of students attend typically Church in-person. 

Monthly Campus Prayer

Each month during the academic year, campus ministry staff and volunteers gather at Upper House to pray for the campus, students, staff, and faculty. The leader of our prayer time switches each month. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with staff from other ministries to collectively lift our campus in prayer.

Request a Room

As part of our mission, Upper House shares its space with others to explore the deeper questions of life. Each academic semester, we host approximately 500 external meetings and events and welcome approximately 30,00 guests.

Before requesting a room, we ask that you view our Mission, Vision, and Values as we desire to build honoring partnerships with organizations in service to the UW–Madison community.

Explore the room options above in making your request. All requests must be approved by Upper House staff and are subject to terms and conditions. If you have any space-related questions, please contact Jaclyn Schmitt (

University Religious Workers at UW-Madison

University Religious Workers of the University of Wisconsin Madison (URW) is a professional association for staff and leaders of religious groups, campus ministries and faith communities at UW-Madison. URW exists to support our members and their work with UW students, faculty and staff.